Adrián Contursi Reynoso is an Associate Professor at UADER-FAHyCS in Parana City where he teaches Social Research, Political Geography, and Geography of the Capitalist Globalization of Nation States. Also, he is an Assistant Professor at UNL-FHUC in Santa Fe City where he teaches Political Geography and Electoral Geography.

He directs «Democracy Indicator» (Indicador Democrático). His research interests focus on Democracy, Electoral Behavior, Political Polarization, especially how they are affected by social media and cybersecurity. Also, Science and Technology linked to the Development and Autonomy of countries, mainly through Nuclear Energy.

He also teaches courses over Geographic Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis applied to Social Sciences, and Public Politics and Public Management.

Contursi Reynoso is currently writing his Thesis to obtain a Master’s degree in Integration and International Cooperation at UNR-CERIR. He received his BA in Political Science from UNL.